Suffed Sea Animals
Get ready to take the plunge into our Stuffed Sea Animals Collection! From sharks with a heart of gold to sea turtles that give the best 'shell-hugs,' these ocean-themed plush toys are suitable for all ages. Crafted with love and high-quality materials, they're your ticket to a sea of endless underwater snuggles – and maybe a few fishy jokes!

Nautilus Plush

Giant Squid Plush
From $36.50

Spotted Stingray Plush

Codfish Plush

Pufferfish Plush

Spotted Seal Pup Plush

Hourglass Dolphin Plush

Beluga Whale Plush

Bowhead Whale Plush

Megamouth Shark Plush

Humpback Whale Plush

Sperm Whale Plush

Green Turtle Plush

Leatherback Sea Turtle Plush

Yellowfin Tuna Plush

Bluefin Tuna Plush