Common And Rare Types Of Shells Found On The Beach
Discover 15 different types of shells, from common seashells washed up on the beach to some of the rarest shells found in the world. These marvels of nature, captivate with their intricate designs, diverse beauty, and the stories they carry from the depths of the ocean.
Murex Shell

Murex shells (Muricidae) are large predatory sea snails, often referred to as murex snails or rock snails. They are famous for their fantastic variety of ornamentation and sculpture.
Many murex species are colorful, but the majority are soft pastel colored, their beauty being famous for having intricate shapes and magnificent spines.
Standout Species
Venus comb murex (Murex pecten)
This absolutely stunning seashell is named after the Greek goddess Venus, who is said to have used this murex shell to comb her hair.
They are typically found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. Although this is not one of the rarest seashells in the world, perfect specimens of the venus comb murex are hard to find due to their extremely delicate formation.
Their long and elaborate outer siphonal canal is covered in hundreds of delicate spines. These spines help the sea snail protect itself from predators and stops them from sinking into sand and mud.
Scientific Name | Muricidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Murex Shells | Venus comb murex, miyoko murex, pink throat murex, branch murex, endive murex |
Conch Shell

It has been estimated that there are only 50,000 conches still in existence across the globe.
The vast majority of conch shells typically have a high and curled spire, which is the twisted point at the end of the shell. They also have a very noticeable siphonal canal.
Conchs produce hundreds of thousands of eggs when they reproduce, unfortunately only a small fraction of these will actually develop into an adult snail.
Standout Species
Queen conch shell (Strombus gigas)
The regal queen conch shell has long been considered one of the most beautiful types of shells. Growing up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length, the queen conch is one of the largest seashell species in existence.
With the combination of their gigantic size and desirable looks, this particular type of shell species is now at threat as they have been overfished for their meat and are popular amongst shell collectors.
Early civilizations found interesting uses for the queen conch, such as a horn for religious ceremonies and ornamentation purposes. For centuries, their lustrous pink shells have also been fashioned into jewelry such as shell bracelets, shell earrings and hair pins.
Scientific Name | Strombidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Conch Shells | 60+ species include: True conch, hawkwing conch, strawberry conch, Lister's conch |
Cowrie Shell

Cowrie shells have been used as jewelry and currency for centuries. In many African cultures you will find women wearing jewelry made of many types of cowrie shells, they are viewed as symbols of womanhood, fertility, birth and wealth.
The shell itself is almost always very smooth and shiny and are egg shaped with a slit-like opening. All varieties have a porcelain-like shine and many have colorful patterns.
Standout Species
Hundred-eyed cowrie shell (Cypraea argus)
The hundred-eyed cowrie shell species is one of the rarest seashells in the world.
You will be lucky to spot this unusual sea jewel feeding whilst diving or snorkeling shallow coral reefs. The are often found hiding under loose rocks along the shores of the remote tropical islands of Chagos, Madagascar, Reunion and the Seychelles.
Seashell identification is pretty easy with the hundred-eyed cowrie shell. This beautiful type of seashell is creamy in color and covered in tiny brown circles which look like eyes – hence its name. Their distinctive polka dot pattern and perfect porcelain finish make these rare cowrie shells very recognisable.
Scientific Name | Cypraeidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Cowrie Shell | 270+ species include: Hundred-eyed cowrie, golden cowrie, Isabel's cowrie, chestnut cowrie, dirty cowrie, tiger cowrie |
Sundial Shell

Staircase or sundial shells "Architectonicidae" have a world-wide distribution in warm-temperate to tropical waters. They dwell in shallow sandy areas and are usually seen at night, but are rarely found on the shore.
They are a gorgeous and colorful species and are fairly unique in being having noticeably flattened, disc or cone-shaped shells.
Standout Species
Perspective sundial shell (Architectonica perspectiva)
The Architectonica perspectiva, common name the clear or perspective sundial shell. Owes its name to the sundial, an instrument for measuring the time based on the detection of the position of the sun.
The cone-like shell coils up from a flat base. Their spirals are composed of vibrant shades of black, white, and brown.
Once common throughout most of their range, they are now much less common due to uncontrolled shell collecting and destruction of their habitat through development and other activities such as dynamite fishing and dredging. The perspective sundial shell is now listed as 'Endangered'.
Scientific Name | Architectonicidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Sundial Shell | 140+ species include: Architectonica karsteni, variegated sundial shell, partridge sundial snail |
Volute Shell

Most volute species have solid heavy shells but vary greatly in size and look. They typically have colorful shells, with an elongated aperture in the first whorl of the shell and all species have deep folds on the inner lip.
Volutes are commonly found in warm, shallow waters but occur also in temperate seas, they are most common around Australian waters. Most volutes burrow in sand and all are carnivorous (meat eaters).
Standout Species
Imperial volute (Aulica imperialis)
The imperial volute is typically a creamy white color with a brown cave drawing type design on the shell, but more notably this shells majestic appearance comes from its spikes that resemble a crown of a king.
Found in the Southern Philippines and usually occur on sand in shallow water. Imperial volutes can grow to a grand size of up to 10 inches (25 cm) long.
Scientific Name | Volutidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Volute Shell | 200+ species include: Imperial volute, noble volute, Philippine melon volute, Indian melon volute. |
Abalone Shell

Most abalones are found in cold waters, and are famously known by their desirable iridescent shells.
While they may look unexciting on the outside, the innermost layer of abalones are made of a specific type of calcium carbonate called nacre, or mother-of-pearl, which in the past was widely used for jewelry and other decorative arts.
Colors vary from different species but the inside of abalone shells are often beautifully shiny, from silvery white to turquoise, green, blue and red mother-of-pearl.
The shells of abalones are also known for being exceptionally strong. They are made of very tiny calcium carbonate tiles stacked like bricks. They vary in size, from an inch to a foot and are roundish, with two to three spirals. The inner spiral is grown into a large "ear"-like shape, which explains their other common name 'ear-shell'.
Abundant in the early 20th century, abalone once supported huge commercial and sport fisheries. Due to overfishing and disease, today's abalone faces extinction — both white abalone and black abalone are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
Standout Species
Pāua abalone shell (Haliotis iris)
Haliotis iris, common name pāua, blackfoot pāua or rainbow abalone, is a species found almost exclusively in New Zealand, although have be found as far north as the Philippines.
Pāua abalone shells are prized for their inner surface which is vividly colored in metallic blue and green, with yellow reflections. This is the most common species of New Zealand abalones and can grow up to 7 inches (18 cm) in length.
Scientific Name | Haliotis |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Abalone Shell | 50+ species include: Pāua abalone, sheep's ear abalone, mule ear abalone, green abalone, pink Abalone |
Miter Shell

Miter shells are most common in the tropical Indo-pacific region. They derive their name from their resemblance to a bishop’s headdress (mitre), in which the thick shell typically is bullet shaped and has five to eight whorls and a high and pointed spire.
The miters from the Indo-Pacific are usually very colorful while those of the Eastern Pacific are often pale. Many miters are smooth while others are ornamented with spiral ribs. All have a narrow aperture, the siphonal canal is usually very short and the outer lip of a miter may be toothed, smooth or corrugated.
Standout Species
Pontifical mitre (Mitra stictica)
The mitra stictica, commonly known as pontifical mitre or sungkod-sungkod is a species that occurs in the tropical Indian Ocean off Aldabra, Chagos, the Mascarene Basin, Mauritius and Tanzania, and in the Pacific Ocean off Fiji, New Zealand, and the Solomons.
This species is quite similar to mitra papalis, but its body form is shorter, with more distant sutures and narrower nodules.
Scientific Name | Mitridae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Miter Shell | 500 species include: Pontifical mitre, episcopal miter, Queen miter |
Conus Shell

Cone shells are a large group of small to large-sized extremely venomous predatory sea snails. Nothing delivers venom quite like the cone shell, a complex concoction of hundreds of different toxins, is delivered via a harpoon-like tooth propelled from an extendable snout. This species can be deadly and should never be handled.
The geographic cone "Conus geographus" is the most venomous of the 600+ known cone snail species, and several human deaths have been attributed to them.
Cone shells derived its common name from their cone or cylindrical-shaped shell. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns. All cones shells have spires, and can be dull to very shiny, smooth to lined and bumpy.
Standout Species
The glory of the sea cone (Conus gloriamaris)
Conus gloriamaris or ‘glory of the sea cone’ as it is more commonly known, was one of the most expensive and rarest seashells in the world.
The glory of the sea cone was once regarded as the rarest shell in the world. Throughout most of the 19th and 20th centuries, fewer than a hundred specimens were known, making it the most valuable shell in the world. Hundreds of specimens have been collected since, and thus the shell’s value has diminished significantly.
This absolutely beautiful seashell originates from the Indo-Pacific region and can reach 6.3 inches (16 cm) in length. It can be identified by its incredible cone shape and intricate crosshatch pattern found in shades of creamy brown. Its elegant features make this beautiful shell still highly desirable amongst collectors.
Scientific Name | Conidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Conus Shell | 600+ species include: striated cone seashell, general cone, lettered cone, marbled cone |
Worm Snail Shell

The shells of vermetidae, common name “worm snails” or “worm shells”, are extremely irregular, and do not resemble the average snail shell.
These shells are not like the typical coiled shells that are common with gastropods. They instead have elongated tubular shells which are attached to hard substrates, such as a rock, sponges or another shell.
Standout Species
Fargo worm snail (Vermicularia fargoi olsson)
Fargo worm snail shells start life regularly coiled until it is about an inch long. From then on, the shell then becomes uncoiled, acquiring its typical, irregular shape. The shell “tube” is about 3/8 inches (1 cm) in diameter.
These shells reach a maximum of 3 inches (8 cm) in length. The first six shell whorls are typically regularly coiled with later whorls becoming detached from the shell.
Scientific Name | Vermetidae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Worm Snail Shell | 135 species include: Fargo worm snail, scaled worm snail, jellyfish worm |
Olive Shell

Olive shells (Olividae), are easy to identify. They are smooth, shiny, elongated oval-shaped shells just like an olive, hence their common name.
Measuring from tiny to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length. Many types of olive shells often show various muted but attractive colors, and may be patterned also. They typically have a short spire, a narrow mouth notched in front, a large foot, and a mantle that envelops the shell.
This species is sometimes compared to the highly venomous cone snails in shape and appearance but are not dangerous to fish or humans.
The orange-mouth olive "Oliva miniacea" is listed as 'Vulnerable' on the Red List of threatened animals of Singapore.
Standout Species
The lettered olive (Oliva sayana)
The lettered olive shells is the largest of the olives, and can reach a maximum of 3.5 inches (9 cm) in length. They get their common name from the intricate hieroglyphic-shaped markings on their outer shells.
They can range in color from a pale greyish tan to a deep chocolate brown, with dark purple, yellow, navy, and light lavender marbled in. The empty shell can commonly be found washed up onto ocean beaches.
Scientific Name | Olividae |
Class | Gastropoda |
Types of Olive Shell | 350+ species include: Lettered olive, purple olive, gibbosa olive, netted olive |
Scallop Shell

The scallop shell (Pectinidae) is probably the most iconic of all shells. Many species of scallops are highly prized as a food source, and the pearls they produce used in jewelry.
Scallop seashells are similar to both oysters and clams. The primary difference between scallops and other common bivalves is their ability to swim. Scallop pearls also differ from oyster pearls, because they lack the typical iridescent shine.
The scallop pearl is an exceedingly rare occurrence and is the bi-product of wild-harvested scallops for the seafood market. It estimates only 1-in-10,000 scallops produce pearls.
Standout Species
King scallop (Pecten maximus)
You may not know its name, but you will recognise the king scallop, also known as the great atlantic scallop or 'common scallop' when you see it. It’s on the logo of one of the world’s biggest companies, and it’s the centrepiece in the famous artwork The Birth of Venus. It’s also one of the most environmentally friendly seafoods available.
King scallops are distinguished from all other scallops by their large size and symmetrical 'wings'. Their "ears" are prominent and are a minimum of half the width of the shell. The color of the body of a king scallop shell is pink or red with the mantle marbled brown and white.
Scientific Name | Pectinidae |
Class | Bivalvia |
Types of Scallop Shell | 350 species include: Bay scallop, great scallop, variegated scallop, noble scallop, Mediterranean scallop |
Clam Shell

A clam's shell consists of two (usually equal) valves, which are connected by a hinge joint and a ligament that can be internal or external. Members of this group have a shell with an outline that are more oval or circular in shape than mussels.
Clams are a valuable edible commodity and are also known for their capacity to produce pearls by compressing sand for long periods. However, it is not as typical for a clam to produce a pearl as an oyster. Only about 1 in 5,000 clams can produce a pearl of any noticeable size.
Standout Species
Coquina clam (Donax variabilis)
The coquina clams (Donax variabilis) are known for their highly variable color patterns, typically including shades of pink, yellow, blue, white, or mauve.
Coquina shells can be found buried just under the surface of the sand in the wave-swept area of the beach known as the swash zone. A typical coquina, measures only about 0.4-1 inch (1-2.5 cm) in length and are very active; they migrate up and down wave-washed beaches.
Scientific Name | Veneridae |
Class | Bivalvia |
Types of Clam Shell | 400+ species include: Coquina clam, quahog clam, Manila clam, Atlantic razor clam, cockle clam, Pacific razor, geoduck clam |
Mussel Shell

Mussel shells is the common name used for members of edible bivalve molluscs from the marine family Mytilidae.
These shells have in common an outline which is elongated and asymmetrical compared with other edible bivalves (mussels, scallops and clams), which are often more or less rounded or oval.
In most marine mussels the shell is longer than it is wide, being wedge-shaped or asymmetrical. The external color of the shell is often dark blue, blackish, or brown, while the interior is silvery and nacreous.
Standout Species
Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
The mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is native to the Mediterranean coastline, but is an invasive species in many parts of the world due to unintentional transport.
They are also known as the black mussel because the shell can be dark blue or brown to an almost black color.
Mediterranean mussels are large, smooth-shelled, and can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm), but is typically found to grow between 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) in length. The two shells are equal, each with a rounded and a slightly bent edge, almost four-sided in shape.
Scientific Name | Mytilidae |
Class | Bivalvia |
Types of Mussel Shell | 412 species include: Blue mussel, Asian green mussel, Mediterranean mussel, ribbed mussel |
Nautilus Shell

Nautiluses (Nautilidae) derived its common name from the Latin word meaning sailor and are the only cephalopods (squids, octopuses, and relatives) that have external shells. They are known for their beautiful, coiled shells, which can range in color, from white to orange, and even purple, with unique color patterns.
This rare and ancient shell appeared over 500 million years ago and are truly a link to the ancient past. The living species has been around over 480 million years, cruising deep ocean reefs even before the time of dinosaurs.
If you take a cross section look at a Nautilus shell, you would see that they are made up of many coiled chambers. Their beautiful seashell armour is comprised of pearlescent layers which disguises them in the sea. Their striking iridescent shells are sought-after amongst shell collectors and can make exquisite pieces of jewelry.
Standout Species
Chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius)
The chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius), also called the pearly nautilus, is the largest and best-known species of nautilus. It's known for its exceptional spiraling, chambered shell and has possibly the most popular appearance of a logarithmic spiral within its shell.
They are a highly vulnerable species because of their low reproductive rates, slow growth, and late maturity. The chambered nautilus is now a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.
Scientific Name | Nautilidae |
Class | Cephalopoda |
Types of Nautilus Shell | 6 species include: Chambered nautilus, Bali nautilus, Palau nautilus, white-patch nautilus, bellybutton nautilus, crusty nautilus |
Tusk Shell

The tusk shell (Scaphopoda) derived its common name from the conical and slightly curved form to their shell, making them look like tiny elephant tusks. Another distinctive feature of this species is that its tubular shell is open at both ends, not just one end as in most molluscs.
Their habitat ranges from offshore shallow areas up to waters that are 15,000 ft (4572 m) deep. They live their adult lives buried in sand or mud, with their head end pointed downwards. Because of this and the relatively small size of most species, many beachcombers are unfamiliar with them; their shells are not as common or as easily visible on the beach as the shells of sea snails and clams.
Standout Species
Common tusk shell (Antalis vulgaris)
Antalis vulgaris, commonly known as the common tusk shell, is a species found from south-western United Kingdom to western Mediterranean. They are mainly encountered on sandy bottoms from 16-3280 ft (5-1000 m) depth.
Most individual shells are typically colored white with a pink apex, or yellow with a black apex.
Scientific Name | Scaphopoda |
Class | Scaphopoda |
Types of Tush Shell | 350+ species include: Common tusk shell, reticulate tusk shell, ivory tusk shell, six-sided tusk shell |
How to identify shells
Shells are not grouped by or classified for the shells themselves. Instead, scientists have worked out a system that classifies the animals (Mollusks) that would be typical to find in the shell. The seven main classes of mollusks that make their home in shells include:
Gastropoda: Have a shell, which can be planospiral or conispiral.
Bivalvia: Have two shells held together by a muscle.
Scaphopoda: Have a single conical shell through which the head protrudes.
Aplacophora: Are shell-less: only some extinct primitive forms possessed shells.
Monoplacophora: Have a single shell that encloses the body.
Cephalopoda: Only thin internal shells or a tightly coiled external shell (Nautilus).
Polyplacophora: A shell composed of eight hard plates on the dorsal side.
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Amazing shell facts
How shells have played a significant part in human culture
Shells are known to be the very first form of jewelry and adornment, and some of the most beautiful seashells have been used for ornamentation and ceremonial outfits.
Shell jewelry has an incredibly ancient history, the oldest shell necklace dates back over 100,000 years and is made from the swollen nassa "Tritia gibbosula". Ancient humans deliberately collected perforated shells in order to string them together as beads In early centuries, rare cowrie shells were also used as a form of currency and trade, particularly in Africa and Asia.
Today, mollusks are still widely used in the jewelry trade, Their lustrous opalescent finish not only adds a touch of natural elegance to jewelry but also possesses remarkable resistance to water damage. This makes them ideal candidates for crafting waterproof jewelry that can withstand the rigors of daily wear, including exposure to moisture.
Where shells come from
Shells were once the exoskeletons of living soft-bodied animals commonly known as mollusk. Snails, clams, oysters, and others need the hard protection of their shells to help keep them safe from predators, such as fish, octopus, stingrays and many species of nudibranch.
The unique appearance of shells make excellent armour for mollusks whilst also helping them from sinking into mud or sand.
The animals that live in shells
The animals that live in seashells are not only their original owners. Many shells have been re-inhabited by other animals. Shrimps, hermit crabs, octopus are common finds among discarded shells.
Hermit crabs use empty shells as temporary shelters. Their soft bodies require a shell for protection, and have adapted a hook-shaped tail and strong legs to hang on to the inside of their shell. When the hermit crab grows too big for its shell, it will search for a bigger one and crawl quickly out of its small shell and into the new one.
Several species of octopus, including the coconut octopus, bimac octopus, east pacific red octopus and pygmy octopus also use shells for protection.
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Don’t forget that a portion of every purchase made at Citrus Reef goes towards coral conservation efforts across the globe!
What a great website! Shell collectors UNITE ❣️ I used to be particular on what she’ll I’d put in my pocket, now it’s ONLY the broken ones so I can see how it developed. Wonderful work, Mother Nature ❣️ ( ps try to put the “ whole shells back” in the water, every critter needs a home!”)
I am trying to find the name of the small, flattish oval shells that both our Mum and Dad used to find on the beach at Armaçao de Pera in the Algarve, and my partner found on the Southern coast of Sardinia. They have a small indented spiral at the top on the front, which is creamy white, and the back looks like the back of an ear and is brown. In Sardinia it is known as the eye of Santa Lucia. In the Algarve, the front is referred to as the Eye of God that sees you, and the back as the Ear of God that hears you. I found a reference on the internet that called it a Turbo Rough. I can send photos, if you send me an email address.
I live on the beach and have been collecting shells for 10 years now, cowrie being my favorite. I actually have 2 of the hundred eye cowrie’s! I can’t believe I have 2 of the rare cowries ❤️
This was fantastic! I got to learn a lot a different shells that I’ve never seen before! It has nice information.
I have a collection of very tiny seashells from the shores of India that I need to identify or name – if they are a new species. Is there any central digitised registry on the internet that has photos and descriptions of ALL the seashells of India?
I have been blessed to grow up, then raise my kids & now still residing on the Worlds Most Beautiful Beaches (it’s called that lol) on Floridas Gulf Coast. To put it lightly I am a shell collector most say obsessed & an amateur researcher! I have a library of books identifying books etc. I have an entire room of shells & my personal labeled collection of 1,000s – I just wanted to let everyone know there are approx 100,000 species of shells on Earth plus fossils extinct shells still are found today! So for all who feel that insatiable need to identify all your shells, I feel ur pain & relate to thrill of identifying them too! It’s interesting to read of everyone’s accounts & love of our beautiful Oceans- This is an excellent article & I rarely comment on blogs due to their incorrect info etc but this is a great overview of what is a vast amount of information if you choose to start your own collections!
Remember never take or disturb any living shell or coral & only take your fair share! I know it’s hard, but leave some for others to discover – I love walking in front a little one & dropping some shells in their path to discover- After all its their oceans to clean up & preserve now! Thx to all! Cheers from white sandy beach – watching the sunset in the Gulf as I text!
I have been an ocean and seashell lover since I was a child, life just doesn’t feel right to me to be far from the ocean. My dad was gifted a fossil of a nautilus about the size of women’s size 7 shoe the last time he was sent to China for work. It was, is and always will be a beloved treasure to our family. What a lovely gift we were blessed to share this earth with… the sea!
I am a nature lover hands down. I love this article. The sea is a mystery.. the Beauty and the Beast in its own right. I enjoy everything about the ocean. The ocean brought my parents here from Italy. I am drawn to looking for shells 🐚 on vacations to Florida. I could pick all day and never get bored. Because each shell is a beautiful piece of life. No 2 are alike.. they are all unique and beautiful. My collection is smiling with some beautiful colors. O.M from Michigan
The image labeled “Names of Shells” has the names of scallop and mussel reversed.
Just today I came upon over a dozen cowrie shells on the rocks. But as the gastropod was still inside I let them be. Keep only a few shells and rerun the ones you have to the ocean.
Incredible article. I collected conch shells and live coral 50 years ago…when it was plentiful and not illegal to collect. This was out in the Florida keys. I also scuba dived Gulf of Mexico 40 miles out off Houma Louisiana…down to the cutoff oil rigs and collected spondulus americanus …and also Cozumel and also Great Barrier Reef. All wonderful experiences and memories. Now live n calif and east Texas !
Thank you for your excellent article. Shells are such unique individual pieces of our world’s beautiful art. I have an abundant assortment from my years of collecting.
One area to edit on the lovely poster: the mussel and scallop shells.
I have a small collection of interesting sea shells that I’d like to give someone who would appreciate them
Can an expert please identify the tiny shells that are ubiquitous. I have many that I just can not figure out their heritage. I’ve looked all over and no one can help me. These shells are very tiny. I sat in a shell pile in 1979 on Sanibel Island and anything that was not broken or inhibited, I took back to Long Island.
Shells are nature’s jewels but they are not infinite, be kind and leave creatures that call shells their home in the water.
I absolutely love collecting seashells. I have most of the seashells that is on this list except for the Conus Gloriamaris .
My aunt just gave me 2 Beautiful authentic queen conch shells I love shells I didn’t know they were so popular
From one of the islands close to Guam, I had a seashell that you could see through and it had a bright red star in its core center. Anyone ever seen something similar to this ?
I was surprised when I saw a picture of the Hundred-Eyed Cowrie Shell as me and my mom had somehow collected it once.
Wow! I can’t believe there are so many unique seashells in the world! I actually love picking seashells and like to polish and paint them. Sad thing that the beaches here in Singapore don’t have many colourful and rare seashells. I actually found a Nautilus Seashell (not in Singapore) without even knowing it was precious!
Wow! I can’t believe there are so many unique seashells in the world! I actually love picking seashells and like to polish and paint them. Sad thing that the beaches here in Singapore don’t have many colourful and rare seashells. I actually found a Nautilus Seashell (not in Singapore) without even knowing it was precious!
I love collecting shells I have all others except the venus comb merux shell and the queen couch shell. I love shells. Thank you for this lovely article.
I have the Nautilus. I received it as a gift from a very real friend. It’s quite large. Very beautiful
It’s a nice read! I love picking up seashells. I actually picked up a hundred eyed cowrie not knowing it was rare! It was from a very remote island here in the Philippines .
Hiya! I enjoyed reading this article! I just wanted to let you know that “civilizations” is spelled incorrectly. Thank you again for the great information!!!
Have a great rest of your day!!!