Ocean Gifts For Home
For nautical style and beach house living, look no further than our ocean-loving collection of gifts for the home including coral prints, ocean canvas artwork, mermaid blankets, ethical ocean products and more!

Realistic Orca Plush
From $29.50

Leatherback Sea Turtle Plush

Green Turtle Plush

Sperm Whale Plush

Humpback Whale Plush

Bowhead Whale Plush

Beluga Whale Plush

Giant Octopus Plush
From $33.50

Spotted Seal Pup Plush

Pufferfish Plush

Deep Sea Anglerfish Plush

Spotted Stingray Plush

Giant Squid Plush
From $36.50

Giant Isopod Plush
From $39.50

Great White Shark Plush

Stuffed Animal Seal Plush